
Talent recruitment
Technical Service Engineer
Position: Technical Service Engineer 
Location: Shanghai 
.Responsibilities /Authorities: 
Focus on product application development in the responsible areas. Provides technical supports to customers. 
Cooperate with Dealers, organize technical seminars, and deliver technical trainings / product promotions to customers. Provide timely, solid technical solutions for projects. 
Good knowledge of VRLA battery application business and professional skills of accident analysis are necessary. Basic knowledge of UPS system, power supply system, telecommunication power systems are preferable. 
Provide regular product examinations for the end-users. 
Keep close relationship with agency and end-user, gather client’s information; support sales department to solve the problems of products Use and technical problems. 
Qualifications & Requirements 
5years + working experience, 
Bachelor Degree or above, the working experience in lead acid battery is highly appreciated 
Excellent Skills of using CAD tools 
Dedicate to work, be able to travel frequently. 
Good communication skill. 
●熟練使用MS Office軟件 
Excellent Skills of using MS office software 
Good English communication skill. 
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